Sometimes it can sometimes feel as though the business world is a revolving door of meetings and discussions to decide how important a problem is and who can be justified to step away from their normal day-to-day tasks to resolve. To wrap up our segment on Modernization, we will break down seven reasons why contracting…
Why RPG is your friend in Modernization, not your enemy
In the vast landscape of programming languages, there are some hidden gems that have stood the test of time and continue to play a crucial role in specific domains. One such language is RPG (Report Program Generator), which has a rich history and a devoted community. RPG was initially developed by IBM in the 1960s…
Your Path to Modernization
Modernizing software and applications is essential to keep up with technological advancements, ensure compatibility with new operating systems, and improve performance, scalability, and security. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various paths for modernizing software and applications: rehosting, refactoring, rearchitecting, and rebuilding. Rehosting involves moving an application from one environment to another without making…
How do you define (and conquer) technical debt?
What is technical debt? Technical debt is a term used in software development to describe the accumulated costs of suboptimal or incomplete design decisions made during the development process. In other words, it refers to the consequences of taking shortcuts or making trade-offs in the interest of speed or convenience, rather than prioritizing the long-term…
Technology Buzzword: Modernization
It seems that the most common buzzword in the technology world today is “modernization”, and it means something slightly different to everyone. Because of the inconsistency in what exactly modernization means, it is even more daunting to implement into your culture and the roadmap for your business. When approaching modernization in the workplace, the most…