IBM PVU Calculator
To calculate Processor Value Units (PVUs) for your environment, please fill-in the required fields below for each server configuration and enter your processor core quantity(s) to calculate “Total value Units”.
What is a Processor Value Unit (PVU)?
A Processor Value Unit (PVU) is a unit of measure used to differentiate licensing of middleware based on distributed processor technology (defined within the PVU table by Processor Vendor, Brand, Type and Processor Model Number).
Are Processor Value Units transferable among servers?
Yes, Processor Value Units for the same program are fully transferable among servers within the enterprise. When transferring to a server with processor cores with a different PVU per core requirement, additional or fewer PVU licenses may be required. If additional PVU licenses are required, the customer must acquire additional PVU licenses for deployment to ensure compliance.
What is the part number structure for programs using the PVU metric?
The Passport Advantage part number structure of License plus 12 months of Software Subscription & Support (S&S), S&S renewal, S&S Reinstatement, and trade-up licenses (where offered) is consistent across PVU and Passport Advantage program offerings.
What determines the required PVU per core rating (per core requirement)?
IBM’s PVU per core rating is based on the processor technology (defined by Processor Vendor, Brand, Type and Processor Model Number) on which the customer is running the software. A PVU per processor core rating is assigned to each processor technology, as represented in the IBM PVU table for servers.