Matchmaker, Matchmaker…
You know you need business intelligence (BI), but you want it to be successful. As you consider your options, you are bound to run into companies that say you shouldn’t choose a traditional BI solution because it’s too boring and it takes too long to implement. You might hear that traditional BI is “processing intensive,” “way too big to be nimble and agile,” “a mountain of reports that no one understands.” You might also hear that you should look into a lightweight solution. Or that
you must have BI software that can provide gorgeous graphics on your iPad. These solutions are alluring because they offer a quick fix to your information woes. You might even see demonstrations of how easily and quickly you can find the information you need if you toss out your dinosaur reporting application for one that provides slick animation for your next presentation.
If you think about it, searching for the right BI solution for your company and making sure it’s a success is much like looking for the right partner. There are a lot of relationship “experts” who will tell you to ditch your traditional views in favor of new techniques: speed dating, online dating, compatibility profiles, million dollar matchmakers and more. They’ll tell you the old ways of meeting people and dating are passé. All you need are their shortcut methods and you’ll be happier faster. Continue reading this IBM Whitepaper
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