I think it’s fairly understood that organizations are more productive and healthy when they work as a team. Any successful business in the world has left trails of teamwork and leadership. One thing I’ve noticed about IBM-ers is that they take the teamwork quality and accentuate it. IBM has created a community. That community has established a sincere concern for and respect for its members. The “spirit” is contagious and I am truly grateful to have been welcomed to the community here at Arbor…
It’s also incredible when our clients, partners, or customers notice these characteristics – picking up on the fact that along with the dedication to, (and pride in) our work, we invest in relationships.
During the 2014 MITEC conference, I noticed the trend. The conference was filled with the some of the world’s most intelligent people – who were also the most respectful and welcoming. The IBM community: Successful, diverse, and proactive; a tradition worth carrying on. And as I mark my work through Arbor Solutions, I make sure that it upholds the standards I have been taught to strive for.
Tyler J Barnes
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