Anyone who has worked with IBM i knows how important disk I/O is to system performance. You can throw a 60,000 CPW, IBM Power System running IBM i, flat on its back if it’s not given the disk resources it needs to read and write at a pace greater then what the user demands. The…
Can efficiency in IT be perceived as a lack of innovation by the business?
Can high efficiency in IT be perceived as a lack of innovation by the business? I think its best that we start by defining the key words in our title. Efficiency – accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort: Perceived – to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the…
If the IBM Power System were a person, you wouldn’t have a problem paying a little more for it…
Not all business professionals are created equal. This is why businesses of all sizes, across every industry, and in every corner of the world invest significantly in the search and retention of top talent. People remain the single largest expense for just about every organization. Everyone has worked with that person who just gets things…
IBM Power Systems Hardware Withdrawal: IBM Power systems, model upgrades, and features
This information is copied directly from IBM announcement 915-050 Effective November 30, 2015, IBM® will withdraw from marketing the following selected IBM Power Systems, model upgrades, associated features and feature conversions. On or after the effective date of withdrawal, you can no longer order these products directly from IBM. IBM Power Systems IBM PowerLinux 7R1…
My three favorite IBM Power8 configurations for Mid-sized businesses running IBM i.
For those who don’t know me yet, my name is Richie Palma and I work for an IBM BP in Grand Rapids Michigan. I’m most likely 15 to 20 years younger than the average IBM i enthusiast, which puts me in a fairly unique position. I’m blessed to work with customers that are using both…