Steve Will, IBM i Operating System Chief Architect, talks about some of the highlights of IBM i 7.2 and TR 1 that were delivered in 2014.
Video Transcription
Hi, I’m Steve Will, the Chief Architect of the IBM i Operating System. I’m here today to talk to you a little bit about the IBM i 7.2 release that we had, and to encourage you to get the Redbook that talks about these functions, and the functions in TR1. As we produce every release, one of the biggest things that we focus on is adding capability that will help our solution vendors. That has been a big focus for the IBM i 7.2 release. We’ve added many capabilities in the operating system, which will allow you with the help of vendors, or all on your own, to modernize your applications to do mobile applications for example, or to use web services in your applications, to allow you to use the investments that you’ve made in this platform over the years, but in a very modern way.
The IBM i 7.2 release is also targeted to run very, very well on the new Power8 boxes. That specifically shows up in how we use the Encore crypto support to be able to do cryptography. In fact, we have many integrated features in IBM i 7.2. Many of the key ones are related to our database, and our security support. You’ll want to take a look in particular at how we’ve advanced security in our database to make it possible for you to secure your business at the definition of your data. But that’s not all. There are new functions that are available to you in systems management, in mobile access, and in many other areas of the system. So I really encourage you to take a look at how those features have been created, and how you can use them by looking at the new Redbook.
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